Saturday, October 19, 2013

MInistry of Propaganda American-style?

One of the greatest casualties of the Syria Chemical Weapon drama is the American press. It just became too apparent that nobody really believed them anymore. While Manila has nearly ten newspapers, their sales didn't suffer despite wide Internet usage among Filipinos. In the US, most American cities have one, or two major papers, but they are mostly tottering into bankruptcy, and the Internet is conveniently being blamed.I don't think Internet is the main reason, the thriving Manila newspapers are proof. The American press is just not as respected anymore. In fact, a whole alternative media has emerged, & I found it is more credible (It is being infiltrated every now & then, as expected, but it's easy to spot the fakes). Clearly, the villains here are the mainstream press and the gang they were working for. Former American economic czar Paul Craig Roberts wrote that the major American media groups have become the "Ministry of Propaganda" after they have been allowed to be bought by 5 conglomerates by then President Bill Clinton. They became the propaganda machine which facilitated what Americans would call "False Flag operations"- invented events to justify America's wars, like the Saddam Hussein's WMD (non-existent), Abbas' WMD (again, unproved, making the American leaders blatant liars just weeks ago), and many more. The most blatant was the alleged 9/11 Hoax which was exposed by mainstream American journalists like Seymour Hersch and economist Paul Craig Roberts. Both promptly lost their access to the mainstream media. If it was not true, you would have expected the responsible media to encourage them to unearth the truth, or better, that the American government itself, if it was not guilty, would conduct the investigation itself. Nothing of the sort. There is only one conclusion, don't you think?

 I was scanning Youtube when I saw this video. Tell me if free and fair press is at work at this cable network- the hosts are not covering blatantly for anybody, etc.-, or appearances is just given to maintain the charade? Note the skewed mouth of the one in yellow at some point :"Uh-uh...". These are no better than whores.

It's very propitious that we see these changes in the once revered American mainstream press now that we are near the Asian Century. I've listed some links to the Alternative press in the sidebar, see it for yourselves the hidden world being exposed everyday.

1 comment:

  1. LOL, do anybody even watch these idiots? Kay Jessica Soho pa rin ako
