Sunday, October 20, 2013

FAKE ACTIVISM : Greenpeace on spotlight

In a fast-changing world, the configuration of which relentlessly going eastward, there are signs that the Philippines may still be clueless and may yet prove to be left behind again shortly because of perpetual cluelessness (mapag-iiwanan gaya ng dati). When Russia prosecuted Greenpeace activists who tried to climb up one of its platforms in the Arctic Sea, there was the usual publicity by the usual suspects in the Western media and puny rallies in some Western cities- but the effect was very clear this time around: the protests were ignored, nobody really bothered with them (expected because of the loss of credibility of the Western press as discussed in the preceding article) and comments were actually overwhelmingly in favor of the Russian action. This news barely reached the Philippine papers, as if they were living in a forgotten age all on their own. Of course, the Philippines are familiar with the "works" of so-called NGO's or civil society- this country was the laboratory for the People Power tactics which were duplicated all over the world by American shadow players. But despite the many people power revolutions here, no big change came about so the tactic has become hackneyed. Just like in other places of the world who saw no major changes in their lives despite their Color or Spring revolutions: ultimately, one needed armed intervention as shown in Egypt and Libya to finish the job because people power destabilization tends to fizzle out midstream as the initial suckers regain their common sense midway. That doesn't mean the tactic doesn't have any use anymore. As a Mafia harassment tactic to extort or intimidate, it is still used as a destabilization fallback (though in actuality, its dependability has degenerated mostly as propaganda from a mercenary media is taken less & less seriously anyway especially among the decimated middle-class of America and Europe). Some believed the Arctic action of Greenpeace, acting on the behest of its secret operators, was to harass the Russian development of the vast oil & mineral potential of the Arctic Ocean, clearly a big threat to the forces that have gotten used to controlling the resources of the world (Netherlands elevated the case to an international court, and the Netherlands is home to Royal Dutch Shell, one of the oil giants of the world & one of the three big conglomerates which support the Dutch economy, so you immediately see motives here. Hilariously, these international courts themselves are denounced by African leaders as just part of the Western charade because the main one hits their supposed abuses but stays clear of Israel which was charged to have violated so many UN resolutions already). That the activists were even prosecuted in Russia proved the world has changed: the use of NGO's as foot-soldiers are finally over, they've been found out, & Western opinion & propaganda which supported them in the past have become irrelevant in the new world dynamics.

Lately, Greenpeace has been active in the Philippines because of the development of an insecticide-resistant eggplant, the Bt Talong. The local suckers who let themselves be used should have been wise enough to realize that that is a big leap to Philippine technology & that is precisely why Greenpeace is so active in opposing it: there will be no need for pesticides anymore & that is a clear threat to the dark forces behind Greenpeace.

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