Thursday, July 31, 2014


The biggest casualty of the Ukraine fiasco is the total loss of the credibility of the English-language mainstream press. It is without doubt the end stage of the Anglo-American empire & it is going for broke. The freedom of the propaganda press at its most mercenary. To no avail. It's all over but the shouting.

Actually, its patronage is at an all-time low (most Western newspapers are tottering into bankruptcy & suffers from low credibility) so the best thing to do is just ignore it. Most of the world already ignores it & its captive market is so disillusioned by all the economic morass it's obvious it can no longer be manipulated much to feed on outdated narratives. It saddens me though that the last English-language newspaper that I still bothered to read (the New York Times have long stopped pretending it is nothing but a propaganda toilet paper), the UK's The Guardian finally flushed itself into the toilet too. One of its latest headline read: "MH17: world's anger at Russia grows as bodies pile on train at crash site". It's articles echoed that alleged "growing anger" at Russia (though I still have to meet anybody who isn't awed by Russia under Putin these days, the Russians have become hot). If it had any fairness left, it should have been condemning that anger without any proofs instead.

Frankly, it is talking about a dumb, non-existent "angry" world conjured by desperate propagandists, confirming it is just part of the clique (though more discreetly handled, the shadow players obviously tried to shield  some of their assets from divulging themselves all at the same time, & the Guardian was the last reserve, a sign of desperation). They are insulting people: I thought people were more intelligent to wait for evidence before jumping into conclusions & be actually angry. No proof  has been shown that the Russians did it, at least they should have waited for the results of the black box (the Russian military explanation was actually more convincing than the one released by the White House spokesperson who has zero credibility anyway). Many  would rather believe it was another Western false flag operation which have become very rampant lately (there are many wars now & all of them are likely instigated by the Western has-beens). So why were they rushing the manipulation of false opinion now (the attempted manipulation lies only in their pages, because after the lies of the Iraqi weapon of mass destruction or the lie of the Syrian poison gas, nobody can actually be manipulated anymore because nobody takes them seriously in the first place)? Just their usual gimmick, typical smokes & mirrors: if they can fake enthusiasm for a fake economic recovery (the American economy shrunk by 2.9% in the first quarter), they can fake anything. They have a long track record of faking.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

REVVING UP THE ASIAN CENTURY: Finally, The Start of Better Things To Come

So it's really here, the new multi-polar world. We finally have the structures that will signpost the new reality: a new financial system, at that. For several months now, there were these seemingly isolated movements: the Russia-China oil deal that uses their own currency, the formation of the Asian Infrastructure Development Bank by the Chinese to bankroll the modern Silk Road which will join East Asia to Western Europe, the non-dollar transactions initiated by various countries, etc. What finally focused these isolated "dedollarization" events into coherence was the recent establishment of the BRICS Development Bank & Fund  by the BRICS and some countries in Fortaleza, Brazil. This was supposed to just complement the World Bank & the IMF. Just play of words. The truth is, we finally have here the alternative. One backed up the world's number one economy, China, & the world's largest energy power, Russia. Between them, they have more credibility than the imploding Anglo-American empire.

It has already won by just being created. What is good here is that we won't need a war to supplant the old, just ignoring it will do. Whether the exiting powers like it or not, their system is too shot now to ever call the shots. The power of the has-been Western powers was their presumption that by controlling the finances, they could control anything. Well, they are not in the position to exert financial control to the emerging giants now, so they are down to the last resort, military, which won't intimidate either any of the big emerging powers like Russia or China.These newly-rich emerging countries could finance themselves on their own & they could actually just humor the has-beens & let them die looking for anybody willing to be fooled for much longer.

The Philippines may be one of the last fools and it is expected to be the last to extricate itself from the clutches of the has-been imperialists because of its gold (specifically the Marcos or Yamashita Gold) which will be used to prop up the bankrupt powers. Well, the Philippines will find itself abused again as it will be used to prop up a bankrupt financial system which has always let it rot into poverty anyway while its gold was used to suppress currencies to prop up the dollar (it was written by American author David Guyton that it was the gold that the US extorted from the Marcoses during the EDSA People Power Revolution which was used to bankrupt the Soviet Union) . With most of the really wealthy emerging countries withdrawing from the imploding dollar, the Philippines needs to find better use for its gold. If it wants to finally profit from its gold.

The real America which the Filipinos relate to with fondness is not free and it needs to extricate itself from the clutches of the Mafiosi shadow players which have debased it & the world for a century. The Philippines can help the real America free itself by no longer letting itself be raped again & again by the villains.

The world will soon be free and the Philippines & the real America should finally be free too.

From Zerohedge:

When You See This Happen, You Know It's Game Over For The Dollar

Submitted by Simon Black of Sovereign Man blog

Exactly 70 years ago to the day, hundreds of delegates from 44 nations were busy at work in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire creating a brand new financial system.
World War II had just ended. Europe was in ruin.
And since the US was simultaneously the largest economy in the world, the primary victor in the war, and the only major power with its productive capacity intact, it was easy to dictate terms: the dollar would dominate the new system.
Every nation would hold dollars as the primary reserve currency, and the dollar would be redeemable for gold at $35/ounce.
Also, global commerce would be conducted and settled in dollars, and these settlements would clear through the US banking system.
Naturally this created substantial demand from foreign governments who needed to begin accumulating dollars for trade and reserves.
So through a variety of programs, from the Marshall Plan to the IMF and World Bank, the US began flooding the world with dollars.
Initially everything went according to plan.
But soon the US government realized something important– foreign demand for the dollar was so strong that they could get away with printing more dollars than they had gold.
This allowed them to run all sorts of deficits and spending initiatives– more war, more welfare, more waste… all with minimal accountability.
Initially the consequences were insignificant.
Sure, the price of gold in London was a few dollars higher than in the US (they called this the ‘gold window’).
But demand for the dollar was still strong. So why bother changing?
By 1971, the situation had gotten far worse. Another decade of war, excessive spending, trade deficits, and money printing had pushed many foreign nations to their breaking points.
Foreign nations’ dollar reserves far exceeded the US government’s gold holdings. And with confidence waning, many began redeeming their dollars for gold.
Only days later, Richard Nixon put a stop to this and unilaterally terminated the US dollar’s convertibility to gold.
Think about the magnitude of this decision: Nixon was effectively defaulting on US obligations to the rest of the world– a complete betrayal of their trust.
Yet despite this massive shock that reset the global financial system, the dollar somehow managed to remain the world’s #1 reserve currency.
You’d think they would have been grateful, thanking their lucky stars that the rest of the world gave them a second chance. But no.
Over the past 43 years, the US has continued to print, devalue, and mismanage the dollar.
  • Along the way, they’ve created epic bubbles and financial shocks.
  • They’ve run up the biggest deficits and debt levels ever seen in the history of the world.
  • They’ve bickered internally to the point of shutting down government.
  • They’ve passed arrogant, painful regulations and commanded the rest of the world to comply under threats tantamount to financial homicide.
  • They’ve unleashed their tax and securities authorities to terrorize anyone doing business with the US.
  • They’ve totally ignored foreign pleas to restructure the IMF and World Bank.
  • They’ve slammed foreign banks with record fines simply for doing business with nations that the US doesn’t like.
  • They’ve waged pointless wars. They’ve spied on their allies. They’ve meddled in other nations’ affairs.
  • And they’ve demonstrated absolutely no willingness or ability to improve.
Simply put, other nations are done. Fed up, really. And it’s not just words.
Consider that in a matter of months, the US will be overtaken by China as the world’s largest economy.
Not to mention, the total combined GDPs of China, India, Russia, and Brazil are roughly the same as the US and EU combined.
Just as the US was the biggest player back in 1944, China is the biggest player today. So it seems clear that the renminbi will become a critical component of a new financial system.
The renminbi already has experienced rapid growth as a dollar alternative for trade; in May, cross-border settlement surged 52% from the year prior.
Renminbi settlement banks are being set up from London to Canada, and the central banks of both France and Luxembourg have signed agreements for renminbi clearing.
There have already been numerous Western companies (like McDonalds) that have issued renminbi-denominated bonds.
And even the provincial government of British Columbia issued a renminbi bond earlier this year. It was a whopping five times oversubscribed.
I’d expect within the next 2-3 years we’ll start seeing trade settlement in renminbi, even when none of the parties are in China.
Today, for example, a transaction between a Paraguayan merchant and a company in Angola will likely settle in US dollars.
Soon, I think we’ll start seeing that transaction done in renminbi. And once that happens, you’ll know it’s game over for the dollar.
Shortly after, national governments in western countries will issue renminbi bonds (perhaps Greece or Portugal will be first). And eventually, even the US government itself.
Today, 70 years after Bretton Woods, leaders from China, Russia, India, Brazil, South Africa, and several other nations are hard at work in Fortaleza, Brazil creating a new development bank that will compete against the US-controlled World Bank.
This is a major step in an obvious trend towards a new financial system. Every shred of objective data is SCREAMING for this to happen.
It’s a different world. Everyone realizes it except for the US government, which is still living in the past where they’re #1 and get to call all the shots.
The consequences of missing this boat are enormous, and it’s going to be a rude awakening for anyone not paying attention.