Thursday, July 31, 2014


The biggest casualty of the Ukraine fiasco is the total loss of the credibility of the English-language mainstream press. It is without doubt the end stage of the Anglo-American empire & it is going for broke. The freedom of the propaganda press at its most mercenary. To no avail. It's all over but the shouting.

Actually, its patronage is at an all-time low (most Western newspapers are tottering into bankruptcy & suffers from low credibility) so the best thing to do is just ignore it. Most of the world already ignores it & its captive market is so disillusioned by all the economic morass it's obvious it can no longer be manipulated much to feed on outdated narratives. It saddens me though that the last English-language newspaper that I still bothered to read (the New York Times have long stopped pretending it is nothing but a propaganda toilet paper), the UK's The Guardian finally flushed itself into the toilet too. One of its latest headline read: "MH17: world's anger at Russia grows as bodies pile on train at crash site". It's articles echoed that alleged "growing anger" at Russia (though I still have to meet anybody who isn't awed by Russia under Putin these days, the Russians have become hot). If it had any fairness left, it should have been condemning that anger without any proofs instead.

Frankly, it is talking about a dumb, non-existent "angry" world conjured by desperate propagandists, confirming it is just part of the clique (though more discreetly handled, the shadow players obviously tried to shield  some of their assets from divulging themselves all at the same time, & the Guardian was the last reserve, a sign of desperation). They are insulting people: I thought people were more intelligent to wait for evidence before jumping into conclusions & be actually angry. No proof  has been shown that the Russians did it, at least they should have waited for the results of the black box (the Russian military explanation was actually more convincing than the one released by the White House spokesperson who has zero credibility anyway). Many  would rather believe it was another Western false flag operation which have become very rampant lately (there are many wars now & all of them are likely instigated by the Western has-beens). So why were they rushing the manipulation of false opinion now (the attempted manipulation lies only in their pages, because after the lies of the Iraqi weapon of mass destruction or the lie of the Syrian poison gas, nobody can actually be manipulated anymore because nobody takes them seriously in the first place)? Just their usual gimmick, typical smokes & mirrors: if they can fake enthusiasm for a fake economic recovery (the American economy shrunk by 2.9% in the first quarter), they can fake anything. They have a long track record of faking.

I actually lay the suspicion more on the part of Anglo-American shadow players: their long history of heinous false flag operations have proven only them have the stomachs for these kinds of depraved crimes. The genocide perpetrated by Israel on Gaza every now & then (the ongoing one just killed 600 Palestinians, more than the M17 victims), the millions of Iraqis killed after the false flag of inexistent weapon of mass destruction which they used to justify the war, the millions killed in Syria after they financed the opposition, the millions gassed in the Holocaust & WWII itself after financing Hitler (it turned out it was Wall Street bankers who financed the rise of Hitler), the overthrow of an elected government in Ukraine itself which led to the current chaos, etc. Too many to count here. To Filipinos, our earliest encounter with false flag operations was when the USS Maine was alleged by the Americans to have been sunk by the Spaniards which they used as alibi to the Spanish-American War which brought the Americans to the Philippines.

The West is really in a pitiful state nowadays. It is crumbling 24/7 before our eyes, & it seems to me the sanctions leveled at Russia are mere desperate whistling in the dark hoping they still look powerful. As expected, reality is just confirming they are on their way out.

In the end, it was sad to realize that Western conspiracy was true & that everything was a hypocritical sham. The trumpeters of democracy were the monsters in disguise. They really aimed to control the world, this time with democracy hype as the PR garb hiding the stench of their economic grabs. History showed they were indeed monsters but people were too trusting or naive to continuously buy the hype. That's their operative formula: Hype. With the loss of the credibility of the hype machines as they now economically & geopolitically  implode (and as the world got wiser with their heinous false flag operations which resulted in millions of deaths around the world), the revealed reality behind the smokes & mirrors was revolting.  In their obvious plummeting trajectory, they pitifully had no choice but to show their claws. And the world is now convulsed by the many wars provoked by their covert designs, apparently to intimidate, but rather impertinently, there was a surreal comical effect instead. Frankly, the world has seen a charlatan and lost total respect. It's all plain and simple hypocrisy and deceit. And it doesn't feel good to be forever duped. Fortunately, they are not indispensable & their accelerating implosion gives hope. Just as they picked up the Babylonian mathematical precepts, the East can pick up the useful ones from them. Let's leave out the pretentious Western democratic hypocrisy.

Actually, even before the start of their economic implosion in 2008, they already started becoming hackneyed- they simply had stayed too long in the limelight, overexposed. They already started disappearing from my radar of interests, I needed something new, different. That I later discovered they were imploding, the faster was the plummet of their falling star. And with the new economic & political reality, the West has become a has-been geriatric star desperately clinging not to be kicked out from the limelight. And as the bankrupt EU was finally collared by a flailing US to pretend" limiting financial access" to Russian banks, you can't help but laugh at the surreality of bankrupt Western nations threatening one with larger cash reserves (all the West had were gargantuan debts). The biggest discomfort was seeing the pretentious EU easily bamboozled- if they had principles, how could have they been stampeded into acting against their self  interests, especially because of a contrived "fake" reason- how could they act when there was even no proof yet who downed the MAS aircraft? Even a simpleton can see you don't make conclusions if there is no proof. They really looked like simple-minded slaves there. How can they even have the face now  to present themselves again as civilized states worthy of respect? (Frankly, Russia should borrow the US argument that the independence of Crimea is illegal because there was no referendum in Ukraine & claim the whole of Ukraine instead.  In effect, Ukraine is still a part of Russia because there was never any referendum in Russia. Now that is strong, it is in a position to do so. It should).

Asians (including the Eurasians) can rise from the ashes of the bankrupt Western concepts. I guess their accelerating economic irrelevance will brand most of their pretensions as just that- pretentious.

No, they are not indispensable. Good riddance.

From Zerohedge:

The Decline Of Influence

Submitted by James E Miller of Mises Canada,
The world is seemingly aflame in chaos right now. The Israeli military has invaded the Gaza strip after the breaking of an 18-month cease-fire agreement. Which side broke the accord is still an open question. A commercial airliner was shot down over Ukrainian airspace. Western media and politicians assume the indefensible act of violence was committed by Russian President Vladimir Putin in an effort to conquer the contiguous area. In Iran, the government is ostensibly pursuing nuclear arms, much to the consternation of globalist tinkerers. Next door, in the Devil’s playground of Iraq, radical Islamists are causing massive amounts of destruction, including destroying historic churches from the apostolic times.
All of this disorder is the fault of waning American prestige according to Robert Fulford. In his latest column for the National Post, Fulford laments the indifference on display by President Barack Obama as violence erupts in planet’s most dangerous corner. He writes that Washington is no longer viewed as a legitimate threat by much of the world. Under the Obama presidency, he attests, “U.S. policy has become erratic and half-hearted, subject to arbitrary change without notice.” Fulford notes the lack of a strong response to the Syrian civil war as just one example where America backed away from the limelight. If the U.S. doesn’t soon take back its leadership role on the global stage, the “future looks increasingly dire.”
Fulford is far from alone in his fault-finding. Journalists from both political camps have been critical of the President of late. Arch neoconservative Charles Krauthammer called Obama’s comments on the downed Malaysia Airlines jetliner “passive” and demonstrative of a governing philosophy of disinterest. James Kirchick – the token leftist warmonger who takes great pleasure in American might displayed abroad – demanded it’s finally time for “the West to stand up to Putin” starting with U.S.-backing of the Ukrainian military.
All of these critics assume that America is capable of flipping a switch and rearranging the world’s affairs to meet its own standards. They don’t recognize the path the U.S. imperial state is on is slowly coming apart. It’s no longer the 1950s. The ceiling on Washington’s budget is getting closer by the day. The national debt is $17 trillion and counting; an unfathomable number that is impossible to maintain in perpetuity. The domestic economy is still sluggish from the 2008 market crash. The time of America’s dominance may soon be coming to an end. And the truth has yet to hit the people employed in the business of imperium.
The talking heads who opine on Sunday morning talk shows are still stuck in Cold War-mode. They refuse to face the truth about foreign policy: that there are always too many functioning  gears for good and evil to be readily apparent; and that truth and fiction often trade places depending on one’s preconceived agendas. The so-called experts forget the advice of realist Walter Lippmann who noted that rational foreign policy “consists in bringing into balance, with a comfortable surplus of power in reserve, a nation’s commitments and the nation’s power.”
More importantly, the media chattering class doesn’t seem to realize the conflicts taking place today are not the result of warring factions. The people of Iran, Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, Russia, and every other country under the influence of Western power didn’t originate their gripes from out of thin air. The incessant meddling of governments, specifically Washington, have fomented the fights we see today. Many are the direct, or indirect, result of overanxious global planning with scant knowledge of possible unintended consequences. Should the Obama Administration heed the complaints of interventionists longing for action, the result could be more death, more violence, and less peace.
The clashes going on currently have the mark of U.S. government meddling all over them. In Ukraine, the conflict between nationalists and separatists sympathetic to Russia is an immediate consequence of the overthrowing of President Viktor Yanukovych. The coup was surreptitiously supported by Washington and its sock puppet batch of non-government organizations. The annexation of Crimea and ongoing violence in the area can be traced back to Western agitation of Russia.
Iraq is more of the same calamity. Former dictator Saddam Hussein was no angel, but under his rule, radical Islamic elements were kept largely at bay. His toppling by U.S. forces has left the birthplace of civilization anything but civilized. The country, which was arbitrarily formed by European colonial powers following World War I, is slowly lurching toward a three-way split along ethnic and religious lines.  Terrorists with allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria are wreaking havoc across the country, a spillover effect of embattled nations such as Libya. The latter battlefield is, of course, the result of Western intervention financed primarily by the U.S. government.
The experiment where America takes up where the British Empire left off appears to be finally coming to an end. It was never designed to work in permanence. The contradictions in intervention are not bringing tranquility or even supremacy. The control freaks beside the Potomac have allowed hubris to take hold. Their grip on other countries is loosening due to the very disarray they created. The irony is about this new reality is the outcome was easy to predict. Arrogance over one’s own intelligence is always a human failing. It was never possible for a cabal of political actors to guide the world’s affairs smoothly. As Friedrich Hayek wrote, “[N]o human mind can comprehend all the knowledge which guides the actions of society.”
If I had to take a guess at what drives the yearning for worldwide dominance, I would say it’s ideology. Everyone has their own, but the fervor at which interventionists opine is more passionate than most. They don’t yearn for just control, but seek a complete transformation of other peoples and cultures so that a uniform attitude is adopted by the world’s populace. Much of the propagating is done under the guise of human rights. With everyone kowtowing to the same lies of democratic celebration, liberty is dissolved.
From Alexander the Great to British rule, history, if it has a lesson, teaches us that no group of men can conquer the world. It’s simply too big, too vast, and too complex. Humanity is far too restless to sit and take orders from dictators halfway across the globe. Likewise, the outcome of intervention does not exist in a vacuum. It often has far-reaching effects that can’t be known in advance. Those decrying the decline of American power on the global scene have yet to learn these valuable lessons.
The mindset that wishes one country to have an iron-grip on world affairs is horribly naïve. Empires are not free. Washington’s credit card can’t be charged to infinity. The need for prudence is growing larger by the day. For the sake of average Americans, and peaceful citizens across the world, let’s hope it gets here sooner than later.

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